Meet the Team

Kris Hamerski

I am a Yoga Teacher, a Personal Trainer Specialist, with a Level 4 diploma in Lower back pain management and a fitness enthusiast!

My passion is to help people change their lives in the simplest and most realistic way possible. I love to see people’s confidence grow and I will be cheering on them and celebrate their every little achievement, because those small steps will lead them to their big goal.

I believe everyone deserves the right to good health and to be happy with themselves inside and out.

A knee injury that I suffered in my 30s while I was playing Basketball steered me towards yoga and made me fall in love with it.

It helped me regain my mobility, I found a lot of enjoyment in the functional fitness moves and exercises based on the yoga poses.

I teach Hatha Yoga, which is considered a gentle yoga and is great for beginners.

Even though it is gentle, it can still be physically and mentally challenging.

The class will allow you to learn how to control your breath, your body and your mind through a set of poses and breathing techniques.

I also believe we should never stop learning. Right now, I’m studying to become a Strength & Conditioning Coach, while I’m regularly attending various fitness workshops to perfect my skills.

I love to learn new things too, so when I have a chance to add a anything new to my skill-set and that will help me become an even better teacher/trainer for you, I’m down for it.

Hope to see you in my class!

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